Perceptions: Exploring Gun Violence

Film and Discussion Series

Films and Discussions Series exploring the complex social, political, and economic issues contributing to gun violence in the U.S.

Why A Film Series:

Understanding gun violence in America – with its attendant issues of poverty, fear, domestic violence, nihilism and despair – is challenging. Conversations about gun violence quickly devolve into political debates. Some people equate guns with freedom and protection and label those seeking sensible gun laws as ignorant liberals who want to infringe on their Second Amendment rights. Activists trying to reduce gun violence can view gun owners as irresponsible right-wing extremists. How can we bring people together, find common ground, and reduce gun violence? Films can help bridge the gap of understanding about America’s epidemic of gun violence.

Our Mission:

The Perceptions: Exploring Gun Violence Film and Discussion Series aims to stimulate open-ended and informed discussions about gun violence in the US. We invite different viewpoints, experiences and perspectives about guns and gun violence among people who own guns and people who don’t own guns. Dialogue and an exchange of different opinions are key to understanding the problem of gun violence. We hope to encourage audiences to think about practical approaches to reduce gun violence in the US.

Sponsoring Organizations

The Perceptions: Exploring Gun Violence Film and Discussion Series is sponsored and supported by a coalition of interfaith (Episcopalian, Jewish, Unitarian, Catholic, Congregational, Baptist, Muslim, Presbyterian, Evangelical, Quaker) and non-profit organizations in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. Our members feel called by their faith to work for peace and justice. The Perceptions series was founded in 2019.

Burke-Fairfax Moms Demand Action

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

DC and Maryland Chapters of Moms Demand Action to End Gun Violence

DC Area Interfaith Gun Violence Prevention Network

March for Our Lives DC

Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence

National Coalition Against Gun Violence

Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of Public Witness

St. Columba’s Episcopal Church

St. John’s Episcopal Church, Chevy Chase

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax

Washington National Cathedral

Westmoreland Congregational UCC